i officially feel like poo.
headache, nausea, indigestion, bone ache, exhaustion and more.
todays activities were very limited due to that, had a manicure, weeded the vegetable garden, planted new carrots as my chicken got in and ate them last night! went to the garden center (by way of doctor for my after chemo injection to boost my white blood cells) bought some more plants, got home, planted said broccoli, cauliflower and board bean plants., prepped the strawberries with straw for the first round, inflated the 3 new blow up pool toys, watched an episode on walking dead. cooked ratatouille for that families dinner and now waiting for the kids to get back from tennis.
hate it when i feel like I have not done anything!!!!!
more pills and early night.
poor honey. rest up.. sounds like you did not rest at all. but your garden is sounding fabulous!!! I am glad to hear your keeping busy as usual and now give yourself some r&r. sweet dreams. xxoo
yup! busy busy busy Bea
I agree with Sheila! Get some rest! Sorry to hear about Coco chicken….Miss you and wish I was there to help you!
Hi Bea. Sending good thoughts your way from everyone in the NW. Hoping you begin feeling better real soon. TAke care.
You forgot making Tuna Melts!!
Sending you so much love my darling courageous friend. Only you could manage to make a cold cap look quite chic! Stay strong and let me know if I can send you any fun American cheer ups from New York. Big hugs xoxoxox
Sending positive vibes your way my friend.
Several years ago my brother told me that he was in love with a young girl but figured she’d tire of him and go back to England.
Thank God, she didn’t, and you decided to marry him.
Bea, you gave us our beautiful grandchildren and my niece and nephew.
We love you, need you, and expect you for trick-or-treating in October.
John, Shirley, Denny, Sue & John
Hey Bea. Loving the blog. Very funny, moving and inspiring all at the same time. Love and hugs from Dukey and Ellen. X
One more day closer to Paris marathon! Can’t wait to wear matching outfits and run across the finish with you!
Love you keep fighting and pushing through this. Xoxo