Category Archives: Uncategorized

surgery tomorrow

MY PORT IS NOT GOOD! i knew this from the beginning it has hurt, and felt wrong from the start.  i am NOT a doctor i know but everyone who saw it was like woooooah Wow or what is that! it is so ugly ( i know that is not the biggest issue but it […]

Round 2

Well it was a bit harder. First night really bad. Felt like I had been run over. First few days were just tiring. Only threw up a few times so change of meds working. Thursday my hair felt out (down below!) all of it! Gone! Quite funny!! Having problems with my port, (portocath device on […]

round one is in the bag

So its been a week since my first chemo. it was not that bad having it, scary and intimidating, but not too bad… after a huge mix up with appointments at the LOC, they did not have my booking although we had confirmed it only a few days before! anyone who nows me knows that […]