Category Archives: Uncategorized

harder this time

this time has been hard, i felt terrible first few days, still do actually….  odd… got sick and felt exhausted, the last time that did not happen. they said everyone is different… but this is so boring.   shaved other side of my hair off, it looks pretty cool if i don’t say so myself!! […]

round 4

After a fun night with amazing people (not as much sleep as i should have) off for round 4. i did not do the cold cap this time, the hair is falling out and i am going to embrace it! maybe even shave some more off until then! day one after chemo is always crap. in […]

the week after

this one was actually not as bad as las time, not sure if its because i had the added sinus and chest infection last time or maybe am just healthier this time etc. either way, not as bad. lots of you ask me what are the side effects, how are you feeling etc, everyone has […]


i officially feel like poo. headache, nausea, indigestion, bone ache, exhaustion and more. todays activities were very limited due to that, had a manicure,  weeded the vegetable garden, planted new carrots as my chicken got in and ate them last night! went to the garden center (by way of doctor for my after chemo injection […]

Back to london

well i seem to be spending more time in london than i have in a long time, i am actually quite liking it! first stop drop off the kids with darling Cath champion who is kindly doing some school runs for us, and off to swindon to have my lovely car fixed (dan hit a […]

post surgery

port out, new one in. it is already better! #somuchbetter heart guy said my heart is doing just fine and has not been affected by the first two rounds of chemo. antibiotics are helping with my chest and sinus infection so can’t wait for them to be gone.  chemo side effects are gone, not nauseous […]